Recent talks, papers, and publications by LiME-members:
Doreleijers, K., & Grondelaers, S. (2024). Between (anti-) grammar and identity: a quantitative and qualitative study of hyperdialectisms in Brabantish. Linguistics.
Wouden, T. van der. 2024. Enige Nederlandse onbepaalde voornaamwoorden tussen sommige Duitse en Engelse. Leuvense Bijdragen – Leuven Contributions in Linguistics and Philology 104:121–153.
- Broekhuis, H. & N. Corver. To appear. Adpositions and adpositional phrases A syntactic view from Dutch. Susanne Wurmbrand, Johannes Mursell & Katharina Hartmann (eds.). Handbook on the syntax of the Germanic languages. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Piepers, J., J. Swanenberg, J. & A. Backus. 2023. Is ‘he’ still here? Exploring the contemporary use of masculine subject pronouns for women in Dutch dialects. Linguistics in the Netherlands 40:194—209
- Doreleijers, K. 2023. Enregistering Grammatical Gender: Indexing Brabantishness through Languagecultural Practices in Digital Tiles. Signs and Society, 11(3), 237-259.
- Remijnse, L. & M. van Koppen. 2023. Intra- and inter-author variation in negation in the 17th century Dutch Letters as Loot. Journal of Historical Syntax 7, Article 26: 1–44.
- Doreleijers, K., & J. Swanenberg. 2023. Hyperdialectisms revisited. Linguistics in the Netherlands 40:39–54.
- Piepers, J., A. Backus, and J. Swanenberg. 2023. ‘It’ is not for everyone: variation in speakers’ evaluation of sociopragmatic pronouns in Limburgian. Languages 8(4):253.
- Doreleijers, K., K. Mourigh, and J. Swanenberg. 2023. Negotiating local in-group norms in times of globalization. Adnominal gender variation in two urban youth varieties in the Netherlands. Globe: A Journal of Language, Culture and Communication 15: 117-143.
- Broekhuis, H. 2023. Scrambling of definite object NPs in Dutch. Formal theories, corpus data and experimental research. Nederlandse Taalkunde 28(2):145–179. (preprint version)
- Doreleijers, K., & Swanenberg, J. 2023. Putting local dialect in the mix: Indexicality and stylization in a TikTok challenge. Language & Communication 92, 1-14.
- Doreleijers, K. 2023. Taalvariatie in de klas: Talige diversiteit benutten om taalbewustzijn te vergroten. In J. Dera, J. Gubbels, J. van der Loo, J. van Rijt (red.), Vaardig met Vakinhoud: Handboek Vakdidactiek Nederlands, 221–231. Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho.
- Doreleijers, K. 2022. Better catch them young, but how? A multilingual approach to dialects in education in North Brabant. Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 11.
- Broekhuis, H. 2022. VO or OV: V to v or not to v. Linguistic Variation 23(2):343–378.
- Broekhuis, H. 2022. The distribution of SE-reflexives in Dutch. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 7(1): 1–39.
- Craenenbroeck, J. and M. van Koppen. 2022. Parameters and language contact: morphosyntactic variation in Dutch dialects. To appear in: Catalan Journal of Linguistics.
- Grondelaers, S., D. Speelman, R. De Troij, and R. van Hout. 2022. Do lexical biases (co-)determine the grammatical divergence between Belgian Dutch and Netherlandic Dutch? The role of random lexical effects in the modelling of syntactic variation. Talk at NWAV 50, Stanford University, 13–15 October 2022.
- Hinskens, F. 2022. Variation in R-Pronouns in Moroccan and Turkish ethnolectal Dutch and what it tells us. Languages 7, 259.