Limburg as a linguistic laboratory

Limburg as a linguistic laboratory. The impact of territorial reorganization and coalmining on language variation and grammar
Genk, 26–27 September 2024
LiME is proud to present a two-day workshop devoted to language variation and change in the Belgian and Dutch provinces of Limburg. We specifically focus on the impact of new political borders that split up older territorial units, and on the effect of rapid industrialization of previously rural communities. Some background to the (linguistic) history of the Limburg area can be found here.
In addition to the following confirmed invited speakers, we invite 30 minute contributions (see call for papers) which zoom in on the workshop’s research topics, but need not be restricted to the Limburg, or even to the Dutch language area.
Main organizers:
- Stef Grondelaers (LiME, Meertens)
- Roeland van Hout (Radboud University Nijmegen)
The workshop organizers would like to gratefully acknowledge support from the following sponsors: